
Xia Hunt - The Children of Ostara Tarot

Created by Alexandria Huntington

This lavishly illustrated, botanically inspired Tarot deck, filled with Fae and Flora Magick, is sister to The Children of Litha Tarot

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Sigil Keychain designs done!!
7 months ago – Sun, Mar 24, 2024 at 09:22:49 AM

Hello again!

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend…and that you will all also enjoy this update!

We have come so far in such a short amount of time, I am so honored you have all chosen to embark on this path with me. I am so grateful to each and every one of you. So far we have unlocked several stretch goals that I had not yet designed, and I am finally able to share those with you now!

New Sigil keychain lineup!

I have finished the designs (and affirmations) for the new keychains! Here is a look at them all together! They are all now currently available as add-ons. 

 The Lucky Sigil Keychain!

The Luck Sigil keychain features a four-leaf clover, with a nazar, or evil eye talisman at its center, and the alchemical symbols for the four elements decorating the top, bottom, and two sides. In between the elements are alternating patterns of the pink and white clover flower. The clover is the plant chosen to represent the magician card in The Children of Ostara, and that is because the trickster planet Mercury (which The Magician card is also associated with) rules it! Mercury is a known patron of all those looking to turn the wheel of fate in their favor—from witches and magicians, to merchants and travelers.  The four-leaf clover is a well-known symbol of luck, but it’s flowers are also powerful talismans. The pink clover flowers are said to aid in financial issues of every kind and entice good favors from others, while the white flowers break hexes, and purify energy. these are added to the sigil in the artwork to ensure we attract our luck and and keep it too!

The affirmation is “I am very lucky; I attract serendipitous windfalls of good fortune.”

The Lovely Sigil Keychain

The Love Sigil Keychain displays the alchemical heart, simultaneously overflowing with, and transmuting, emotional energy. This is a motif that I just love, and so some of you might recognize it from my coin set as well. There are also 8 stars in the artwork, 4 inside the heart, and 4 outside, representing the cyclical nature of the external feeding and informing the internal and vise versa.

The affirmation is  “I am loved, loving, and lovable; I attract, create, and emanate beauty.”

The Protection Sigil Keychain

The protection sigil is based around my slightly more elaborate take on the traditional nazar, or evil eye talisman, which is said to protect its owner from evil spirits and the power of their enemy’s malicious gaze. The eye also represents consciousness, vigilance, and the power of focused will and personal perception. The first step in protecting oneself is “keeping your eyes open”, after all! As a representation of our focused will, the eye also represents our own mental and psychic barriers, ready to catch and throw back those bad vibes to their source! My evil eye design also has the 8 pointed star, this time made from the negative space of the four elemental triangles in its center. This represents a limitless and eternally renewing source of inner power and protection. I wanted to have all the bases covered, and nothing does that like drawing in the four elements X the four directions!

The sigil affirmation is “I am protected; all negative energy is returned to its source.”

The wealth sigil features an 8-pointed star with the elemental symbol for earth at it’s center. 8 in numerology represents infinity, limitlessness possibilities, expansion, ambition, manifestation, and growth. It is considered an incredibly lucky number, and the 8-pointed star is a common motif among powerful goddesses such as Venus, Ishtar, and Inanna. Sometimes called “The Star of Prophecy”, the 8 pointed star represents the four elements X the four directions, ensuring that nothing lies outside the scope of possibility. The earth element at the center focuses this limitless potential toward the pursuit of material comfort and abundance. What is wealth, after all, if not the resources we need to fend off feelings of scarcity?

The affirmation for this one is "I am wealthy; I attract an endless flow of positive opportunity and prosperity."

And although these are all just art-work designs, here is a reminder of how the protection sigil came out! They are all 3" long!

These sigil keychain designs have been sent off to the manufacturer for proofs, so we should be hearing back from them soon. Lately, I have been very impressed with their ability to capture the detail of my work, so I am not worried in the least.

 Did someone say, "Extra cards"...?

And…one last surprise. Here is an IN PROCESS look at the extra cards, The Above, and The Below, from The Gold Limited Edition of The Children of Ostara! PLEASE NOTE, THESE ARE VERY ROUGH SKETCHES!! THEY ARE NOT DONE. Of course, I am eager to bring them to the same level of finish as all my work, but I liked where they were going, so I decided to share a sneak peak with you all here! As a reward for reading all these updates!

So, my plan is for the images to read well and stand alone, but also come together to create one "complete image" when positioned like so! It is a lot more work to do it this way, but I hope you will appreciate the effect.

 On to the coins!

So, I think that’s all for now. I’m going to work on the Earth/ Air and fire/water divination coins. Hopefully I will have art of those sometime next week...and then I will get back to finishing The Above and The Below cards!

Thanks again for your patience and support, and I hope to have more news for you soon

Many blessings,
